Friday 24 June 2011

Unit 2 Media Studies Final Evaluation AO5

Unit 2 Media Studies Final Evaluation AO5
1.      Describe all the activities that you have completed for this unit. Do this in three sections. Print (magazines), Audio (radio) and Video.
-          Print (magazines); front covers, double page spread, photoshop, script writing.
-          Audio (radio); editing radio voice clips.
-          Video; making and editing a horror film, story boards.
2.      What skills have you learnt by doing these activities
-          How to make a magazine cover
-          How to use photoshop
-          Making a layout of the pages inside a magazine so that it still looks tidy even if there’s writing boxes all over the place
-          How to edit a radio voice clip to cut out all the mistakes and all the bits of information that are not needed
-          To be able to watch over a horror film that is made and then being able to cut out all the mistakes and put them into the right order to make sure the movie is still able to watch
-          Writing a script
-          Planning/drawing a story board.
3.      Explain what skills you had in these areas before course started and how well you think your skills have developed over the year.
-          I haven’t used theses skills before I started the course so I only learnt them when I started doing media in year 9 I learnt to use photoshop and then in year 10 I learnt about the radio editing and video editing
4.      How well do you think you worked when you were asked to research your product and the audience that would read/view it?
-          I don’t really think I’ve worked that well because when I’m asked I ask for more help straight away to help me understand the question a little more then I try the question and if I need help then I ask
5.      Explain what methods of research you used to investigate/find out what target audience likes and what they would expect to find in your media products.
-          Well I have done mood boards for different audiences, questionnaires on survey monkey, audience profiles.

Individual Work
6.      What opportunities did you have to work on your own? Did you work well or badly in this situation? Why/why not?
-          Most work is individual work but I sometimes ask for help if I don’t understand but if I do understand then I can do the work really well.
Group Work
7.      What opportunities did you have to work as a group?
-          There was only a few occasions when we had to do group work but they wasn’t very big groups mainly in pairs or three’s
8.      How well do you think you have worked as a member of a group? What evidence do you have to support this view?
-          I think in my pair I have worked well and I have evidence in most of my work for example when I had the task to make a questionnaire we was allowed to work in pairs and I worked with my partner and we helped each other think of ideas for questions to put in the survey, we also created posters as well.
9.      What do you think other group members would say about your contributions to the group work?
-          I think my partner would say I made good contributions to the group work
10.   Think about the times you worked as a group, what times were there when OTHER PEOPLE DID NOT work well as a group? What do you do when this happens?
-          Well sometimes my partner is not in or she doesn’t feel like doing the work as much so I ask the teacher top give us a little help then I will start the work then manage to encourage my partner to complete the work as well.
11.  If you had to rate the creativity you showed when completing work and coming up with ideas, what score would you give yourself out of 10? Why?
-          I would give myself around about a 6 because there will be times when I can be creative and times when I cant; for example when making a mood board for a certain target audience I can make it really creative where as when I’m trying to write a script it don’t go so well with the creativity
12.  Think about when you came up with ideas for media products and then actually produced the idea. How accurate do you think the work was?
-          When I planned an idea for my work it sometimes comes out as I expected or even better or completely rubbish because I make sure it all makes sense before I do it just like for example when I made a magazine cover then it work out how I wanted it to once I had finished making the product
Using Equipment and Applications
13.  Explain how good you think you are at the following;
-          Photoshop; I am gradually learning how to do more and more things on photoshop, but sometimes I have to ask for help because I don’t know how to do certain things.
-          InDesign; with InDesign I think I worked really well because I could make the front cover for the magazine and the page layouts with not a lot of help.
-          Premiere; I had to use this when we done video editing i wasn’t very good at it as i had to ask for help plenty of times.
-          Audacity; we use this when we had to edit radio clips and i thought that i did this quite well although it was my first time using it.
Strengths and weaknesses
14.   What areas do you think are your strengths?
-          I think my strengths are typing because when i start i don’t really want to stop and then I don’t waste time checking for mistakes i do that at the end to make sure that i get my work done.
15.  What areas do you think are your weaknesses?
-          My weaknesses are when we have to use programmes like Photoshop, InDesign, Etc, and the reason that these are my weaknesses is because I find it hard to get used to all the tools that you use when using these programmes.
16.  Identify one skill you think you have developed and improved
-          The thing I think I have developed and improved on is using tools on the programmes I can’t really use them on even though they are my main weaknesses.
17.   If you had to choose a Media area of strength to use as a focus/job role in the next piece of coursework, what would it be and why?
-          I think I would be good as a write and copy for example if we was to make a magazine I could be the person to write and copy as I can type things up quite easily and quickly.